Daily Horoscope for February 12, 2025 – New York Daily News

General Daily Insight for February 12, 2025

Passions could be running high at present. The tense Full Moon in Leo at 8:53 am EST is likely to show us where we’ve been suppressing our valid individual needs in order to do what seems best for some larger group. If these arrangements aren’t sustainable, they ultimately won’t work out! The Moon also opposes articulate Mercury, opening our minds to talk through all the issues involved. After Luna shifts into practical Virgo, we’ll potentially come up with a few realistic solutions.


March 21 – April 19

Following the crowd could be an easy path through your social life at present. There’s potentially a dominant, vocal person who always seems to have a clear idea of what the group should be doing — and maybe you’re usually happy enough with their leadership. With the illuminating Full Moon falling in your 5th House of Pleasure, however, you might gain a stronger sense of your preferences. If you have a suggestion for an activity, consider sharing it! You can have a say too.


April 20 – May 20

Finding balance between your career and your domestic life could be challenging now. Although you might be able to rationalize a push for constant productivity, your primal side is likely to surface as the disruptive Full Moon strikes in your 4th House of Nourishment. An emotional upset may threaten the serious image you’re trying to portray, but it can also offer useful information — you need to take care of yourself! Try to figure out what specifically is lacking, then focus your attention there.


May 21 – June 20

You may currently take pride in your ability to follow all the intricacies of a complicated intellectual interest. As the candid Full Moon challenges your 3rd House of Communication, the hard part might come when someone who’s unfamiliar with the subject asks you to explain it to them. Going back to the basics could renew your appreciation for your passion as you recall how it has shaped you over time. If you discover a hole in your logic, though, that’s not your companion’s fault!


June 21 – July 22

Someone could currently be trying to sell you on a complicated investment arrangement. Do you understand what they’re talking about? As the vulnerable Full Moon hits your 2nd House of Resources, you may feel inadequate in relation to a seemingly super smart salesperson. In the end, it’s your money. They depend on getting your business at least as much as you depend on their guidance, so you have a right to get your questions fully answered — no matter how simplistic they might seem.


July 23 – August 22

Interacting with someone who acts like they have it all figured out could get on your last nerve today. Life isn’t exclusively ruled by logic and reason — how you feel about things matters too. The other person probably hasn’t accounted for that! Unfortunately, as the uncomfortable Full Moon strikes in your sign, you might be the one who has to break the bad news to them. Remember, this is something they need to learn, even if it hurts you to watch their distress.


August 23 – September 22

Embracing a quiet moment can currently give you needed perspective on a habit you take for granted. With the insightful Full Moon in your 12th House of Contemplation, you have greater than average access to the inner workings of your mind. There’s probably a reason behind your quirky process for a particular task, even if you’ve never fully thought it out. You may or may not change your workflow once you connect all the dots, but you’ll at least have the option!


September 23 – October 22

Someone in your friend group could be super emotional right now. As the messy Moon in your social 11th house challenges logical Mercury in your 5th House of Self-Expression, you may be tempted to try to reason them out of their upset. Sometimes feelings just need to flow freely in order to pass — your efforts might be more about your comfort than what truly benefits the other person or the overall situation. It’s okay to identify what agitates you, but do so honestly.


October 23 – November 21

A power struggle may affect your recent home life. With the volatile Full Moon in your 10th House of Authority, whoever seems the most upset is likely to have the upper hand. This might seem unfair, especially if you can clearly see that whatever they passionately don’t want is an objectively better option. Letting them have their way as much as possible should eventually show them that more thoroughly than any argument you could make. Just don’t say you told them so!


November 22 – December 21

Taking a break from your usual circle could launch you out of a stubborn rut. Perhaps you’ve rehashed a particular issue over and over with the same few people who are pretty similar to you in terms of their life experiences and viewpoints. You might find it comforting that you agree with each other, but you’re not really getting anywhere new. Engaging directly with whoever you perceive as an outsider probably won’t be so easy, but it should get your brain moving!


December 22 – January 19

Letting someone else into your world could be a possibility facing you now. You’re potentially content with what you have — do you really want to threaten that by changing the equation? As the enticing Full Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy beckons, it’s not necessarily a question of all or nothing. Perhaps you can thoughtfully choose how much you’re willing to risk. Know what you won’t compromise for a burgeoning connection, and a worthy companion should, at minimum, respect that.


January 20 – February 18

Finding out someone else’s opinion of you could be jarring today. While the glaring Full Moon lights up your relationship sector, you might be told that there’s a big gap between how you see yourself in your head and how you come across to others. Who’s correct? You don’t have to automatically defer to everything this person says, because they potentially have biases as well. If you keep hearing the same criticism in multiple contexts, though, there may be something to it.


February 19 – March 20

The answer to a mystery that’s been bedeviling you might finally be within your grasp. As the revelatory Full Moon lands in your 6th House of Daily Routines, perhaps what you really need is to get out of your head and engage with the physical facts of the matter. While you may have a few potential storylines you’re toying with, you’ll have to cross out any that just don’t logistically add up. The simplest explanations often wind up working the best!

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