Daily Horoscope for March 10, 2025 – New York Daily News

General Daily Insight for March 10, 2025

There is an undeniable intensity to the day. The Moon is spinning through expressive Leo, giving us all an extra dose of courage, but the temptation to go overboard could become too much to handle once the Moon opposes alchemical Pluto in considerate Aquarius at 12:48 am EDT. Fortunately, the Moon will then slide into two easy trines, first with Mercury, then Venus. Even if things begin on an extreme note, we should be able to resolve any issues without too much effort.


March 21 – April 19

You can only follow your solo path for so long before other people want you to follow theirs. A tense opposition between the Moon in your fun-loving 5th house and power-player Pluto in your communal 11th house could very easily stir up a bit of social drama. Fortunately, these sectors both want you to enjoy yourself, but you’ll probably need to compromise on something. If you want good company, you ought to be good company, after all. Choose your battles wisely.


April 20 – May 20

Emotional discussions are presently in danger of getting out of hand. It’s easy to get deep in your feelings while the Moon is in your sensitive 4th house, but you could have an outburst at the wrong time or place when it picks a fight with Pluto in your public 10th house. Someone you respect may notice you acting out and remember it in the future, which won’t do you any favors! If you’re feeling fragile, find a private space to vent.


May 21 – June 20

You can only go so far at once, Gemini. You’ve got even more than usual on your mind while the Moon studies within your chatty 3rd house, but you may be tempted to drop it all for something even more stimulating when the Moon gets distracted by Pluto in your adventurous 9th house. Watch out! This could speedily lead to you experiencing an overwhelming meltdown — or simply neglecting your other duties. Do your best to avoid chasing shiny distractions, literally or metaphorically.


June 21 – July 22

Stand firm in your confidence. Your sentimental sign is very comfortable with the Moon in your security-conscious 2nd house, but that won’t stop Luna’s argument with Pluto in your intense 8th house from unsettling you. Remind yourself that anxiety spirals about what you might owe other people are just in your mind. If people start making unfair demands, let them know where you stand as diplomatically as possible. Avoid heaping gas on any metaphorical fires, as they will likely burn out of control.


July 23 – August 22

People may exert overwhelming pressure on you even if they mean well. The emotional Moon in your sign puts you in touch with your feelings, even as its complaints to Pluto in your relationship sector could have people coming out of the woodwork to say or do things that drive you up the wall. Likewise, they may force their expectations on you in a way that makes you think you must respond in kind. You should respond kindly, rather than matching any negativity.


August 23 – September 22

Don’t overthink things today. You’re prone to being a little bit out of it and sauntering along without hurry along with the Moon slinking through your dreamy 12th house. Brace yourself for Luna’s roadblock with Pluto in your responsible 6th house! It could force you to sit up and get down to work. While productivity is wise, don’t attempt to accomplish more than you can easily do. You’ll be better poised to make headway in a couple days when the Moon arrives in your sign.


September 23 – October 22

Ignoring your desires is going to be difficult — yes, even more than usual. There is a strong and exacting opposition between the Moon in your friendly 11th house, where it’s driving you to connect, and Pluto in your passionate 5th house, demanding you fly solo. Don’t be shocked if you end up splitting off from a group activity in order to pursue your pleasures. Still, make an effort to do so in a diplomatic fashion so that people don’t feel like you’ve abandoned them.


October 23 – November 21

You’re the rope in a galactic game of tug-of-war. With Luna trotting through your professional 10th house, you’re in the mood to put your best foot forward — even as Luna’s spat with zealous Pluto in your emotional 4th house possibly leaves you reeling from the pressure to perform. Don’t push yourself out on a ledge if you aren’t totally secure in yourself and your work! Be patient, because there will be better times to show off soon enough. Take it easy.


November 22 – December 21

Don’t force yourself to cover miles and miles of territory when you’re barely in the mood to walk a single one. You may be tempted to go exploring as the Moon canters through your 9th House of Expansion, but the lunar opposition to Pluto in your 3rd House of Local Community should keep you plenty occupied in your own area. Deal with immediate issues and ideas, rather than pondering possibilities and what-ifs. Those hypotheticals probably won’t pan out the way you’d like.


December 22 – January 19

Tend to your needs before you worry about other people. This isn’t about being selfish, but rather about being careful and considerate, which can be a bit difficult as the Moon in your 8th House of Shared Resources opposes Pluto in your 2nd House of Material Security. People may expect you to contribute more than you feel comfortable with, and letting those unfair expectations get to you would be a heavy weight to bear. Be responsible for your own self, at least for the moment.


January 20 – February 18

Other people can get a reaction out of you, but you can make sure that reaction is fair. A debate between the Moon in your partnership sector and extreme Pluto in your unconventional sign could result in someone doing something or saying something that rubs you the wrong way. That’s not your fault if they do, but you are responsible for how you handle it. Pluto can tempt you to get a little too sharp or overly harsh, so act with circumspection.


February 19 – March 20

Life may seem to play games with you today — and not the fun kind. You’ve got a plausible schedule all sorted and your to-do list all organized while the Moon is in your efficient 6th house. That won’t stop the Moon’s opposition to Pluto in your subconscious sector from throwing all that out the window! This could leave you feeling like you don’t have the control or information you thought you did. Take heart in the knowledge that this transit is a short one.

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