Daily Horoscope for March 12, 2025 – New York Daily News

General Daily Insight for March 12, 2025

We all have an assignment today. The Moon is marching into efficient Virgo, driving us to be our most capable selves, but the real work arrives when the Sun conjoins Saturn in Pisces at 6:29 am EDT. This once-a-year angle is forcing us to examine how we must grow and evolve in order to become the best version of ourselves. We can make it happen by following our intuition. The Moon closes things out with a quincunx to Pluto, inspiring further transformation.


March 21 – April 19

Live and let go, Aries. The Sun in your 12th House of Endings is embracing karmic Saturn, underlining the importance of doing your cosmic homework and learning the lessons Saturn has in store. This particular placement is about removing anything from your life that no longer serves you. Even if it takes a bit of effort to declutter your life on an emotional and mental level, the results should be well worth it when you feel worlds lighter than before.


April 20 – May 20

It’s training day for Team Taurus. Your social networks are lining up for inspection as the Sun and Saturn come together for their annual conjunction, this time in your 11th House of Global Communities. There’s a chance you may have outgrown some of the connections in your life, and are ready to move on to circles where people actually understand you. This doesn’t need to be a dramatic affair. If the people in your life aren’t supporting you, then it’s definitely time to go.


May 21 – June 20

Ambition is not a dirty word. You may feel your desire for advancement rising as the Sun and Saturn conjoin in your 10th House of Vocations, encouraging you to work your way up the professional ladder with unflagging energy and drive. If you’ve been a little unclear on where you’re heading, then this combination can help it become that much more obvious. Make a point of paying attention to your intuition and seeing what surfaces. Your goals should become clear soon enough.


June 21 – July 22

You have a responsibility to yourself to grow. There is nothing to be gained from keeping yourself and your ideas limited, which becomes more apparent than ever as the Sun and Saturn align at the same degree in your 9th House of Ideas. The world is full of possibilities and opportunities, but you can’t just sit around waiting for them to find you! You must quest into the unknown for yourself. You don’t need to make massive leaps, but take that first step forward.


July 23 – August 22

Sometimes the only way forward is through. Today you may feel as though there is no alternative but to play the cards you’ve been dealt, as the Sun in your 8th House of Shared Resources conjoins stoic Saturn, forcing you to get serious and deal with the tasks at hand. You may have important financial issues to review, or perhaps a close relationship needs an honest appraisal. Either way, if you attempt to avoid these issues, they will only grow more difficult to handle.


August 23 – September 22

A “yes” person is not the same as a supportive person. The most important people in your life are under inspection by the stars while the Sun makes its annual conjunction to masterful Saturn in your 7th House of Unification. Saturn doesn’t play around, and it isn’t going to flatter you, so you may feel like certain people aren’t telling you what you want to hear. Still, it’s in your best interest to listen. Pay attention to this feedback, as it will help you grow.


September 23 – October 22

One step at a time still gets you places. Thanks to the Sun conjoining Saturn in your 6th House of Daily Work, you can start taking steps toward becoming your best self. Saturn will ensure that the effort you put in should pay off in big ways. Whether you’re making an effort to improve your health or streamline your routine, there’s absolutely something small you can do to benefit your life. Get rid of future headaches by doing the work right now.


October 23 – November 21

Creativity can illustrate galaxies with constellations — and you’ve got it in spades. The Sun is conjoining karmic Saturn in your expressive 5th house, inviting you to put your talents on display and let the rest of the world see what you have to offer. If you’ve got a special spark you want to share, then this is the time. In contrast, if you’d prefer to work on something less public, you can absolutely begin building a passion project that withstands the test of time.


November 22 – December 21

Firm up your foundations. There is a productive, no-nonsense energy to the day as the Sun in your domestic 4th house conjoins serious Saturn. Make an effort to deal with issues pertaining to your home and family. Perhaps you’re considering a major move or sitting down for a big meeting with your nearest and dearest. Regardless, tackle these matters without flinching, because you can only put them off for so long. A female relative could prove very helpful with this process.


December 22 – January 19

Say what you mean, and nothing else. There is an emphasis on honest and clear communication as the Sun aligns with your ruler Saturn in your communal 3rd house, making it very important that you don’t fritter your time away with gossip or baseless chit-chat. Sometimes it’s fine to do just that, of course, but today the planets are encouraging you to perform with capable, confident focus — even if it is merely while out running errands or tending to your usual business.


January 20 – February 18

Use your resources wisely. The Sun and Saturn are coming together at the same degree in your wealth zone, underlining the importance of making sound financial decisions. This applies to how you earn your money as much as what you do with it, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spend anything at all. If the chance for a decent investment arrives, or you must make an important purchase, then do so. Just take your time to avoid decisions that would leave you with buyer’s remorse.


February 19 – March 20

It’s your turn to stand up for yourself, Pisces. A special conjunction between the Sun and Saturn in your visionary sign is opening a window of chance for you to prove to the world, and to yourself, how far you have come in life and how much you have grown. You may sometimes question your judgment or intuition, but this alignment is showing you that you usually do know what you’re talking about! Don’t let any naysayers tell you otherwise.

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