Daily Horoscope for March 16, 2025 – New York Daily News

General Daily Insight for March 16, 2025

Even our deepest wounds can heal with time. The Moon in pleasant Libra may not give off a healing vibe at first, as it squares off warrior Mars in emotive Cancer. Even so, we can seek out solutions when the Moon then opposes Chiron at 10:06 am EDT, motivating us to pursue personal development and improvement. The Moon will close things out with a quincunx to Saturn in Pisces. This further encourages us to follow our intuition to a satisfying conclusion.


March 21 – April 19

What do you need right now? The Moon in your partnership quadrant is bringing helpful people out of the woodwork, which is especially valuable as the Moon opposes Chiron in your headstrong sign. Chiron can enlighten you regarding areas where you feel insecure due to a perceived lack. Once you talk through worries like that with someone you trust, you can gain perspective and feel better about the whole situation. Don’t bottle it up, because that will only make things worse.


April 20 – May 20

There’s a difference between accomplishing things and merely keeping busy. Today you may think you’re being productive while the Moon is in your 6th House of Productivity, but its opposition to Chiron in your 12th House of the Subliminal could lead you down some distracting detours. Make an effort to avoid getting led astray, because what looks like an interesting or necessary task could turn out to be just the opposite. Use your time wisely — or at least have fun with it!


May 21 – June 20

Your desires may need to be put on ice. That might be tough with Luna dancing through your playful 5th house, but the lunar opposition to Chiron in your communal 11th house could result in you being called upon to play your part in a group activity. Loved ones may need your support, which will probably be less exciting than your plans. Still, assisting the people you care for is worth doing — especially since you’ll probably want their aid sooner or later.


June 21 – July 22

It’s not easy to lay low right now. That may be exactly what you want to do while the Moon is in your cozy 4th house, but it will be pinging off Chiron in your public-facing 10th house. That alignment could speedily force you to get up and attend to some important matters. Regardless of how you’d prefer to spend your time, the sooner you roll up your sleeves, the sooner you can return home and curl back up under the covers.


July 23 – August 22

Take time to educate yourself. A stressful opposition between the Moon in your chatty 3rd house and Chiron in your high-minded 9th house could reveal a gap in your knowledge about something important. This can be especially problematic if you start talking about a topic as though you’re well-versed in it, only to realize after the fact you’ve been completely misinformed. Avoid getting up on your soapbox at the drop of a hat! Think before you speak — then think twice, just to make sure.


August 23 – September 22

Compromise is a critical part of today. The Moon in your luxurious 2nd house has you focused on your own budget, but a lunar opposition to Chiron in your deep 8th house will force you to consider other people and what they want from you. A financial matter, or perhaps an important relationship, could force you to sit down at the business table and parse through some complicated issues. Remember — it’s better to get them over with rather than procrastinate.


September 23 – October 22

Don’t pin all your happiness on another person. There is a complicated opposition between the Moon in your 1st House of Action and wounded Chiron in your 7th House of Bonds, which could make you feel like you don’t have the support or appreciation you’d like. You can find more success once you accept that people aren’t mind readers, and that you, first and foremost, are responsible for your own happiness. Open communication is key to emerging from this transit without complications.


October 23 – November 21

Take time to check in with your physical body. You can definitely stand to get some rest while the Moon is in your quiet 12th house, but its opposition to Chiron in your wellness-based 6th house wants you to make sure you aren’t spiraling too deep. Spend some time thinking about how to nurture yourself and where you may have been pushing too hard, then take gentle steps to improve the situation. The basics of rest, healthy food, and mild exercise should do the trick.


November 22 – December 21

Don’t dim your shine for the sake of others. It’s a good day to link up with people as the Moon tours your 11th House of Friendship, but the Moon is opposing Chiron in your 5th House of Creativity, which could leave you feeling like people aren’t fairly appreciating all you have to offer. There may be the temptation to react negatively, but avoid doing so in a reactive fashion. Use your unique talents to contribute to the group, rather than steal focus.


December 22 – January 19

Start from the inside and work outward. You are in an ambitious frame of mind while the Moon paces through your 10th House of Career. Step with care, though, as Luna locks into an uncomfortable opposition to wounded Chiron in your 4th House of Foundations, potentially impeding your inner balance. Don’t try to ignore this or distract yourself with work. Instead, take a deep breath and tend to your emotional situation. You’ll be able to achieve more once you’ve got yourself sorted.


January 20 – February 18

You can only do so much in a single day. The Moon is sailing through your 9th House of Voyages, turning your attention to all the possibilities floating out beyond the horizon. Even so, Luna’s disagreement with Chiron in your 3rd House of Neighbors will likely keep you too busy to go off on any exotic adventures. Focus on simple tasks, particularly if you’ve been putting off something important for a little bit too long. Ask for help if you need it.


February 19 – March 20

You may feel a certain sense of lack today. The Moon in your 8th House of Lump Sums is opposing Chiron in your 2nd House of Material Security. Their shared anxiety could make you pointedly aware of what you don’t have, even if you already have more than enough. Avoid getting wrapped up in worry — you can with some simple gratitude exercises, like listing things in your life that do make you feel good. You might be surprised at how long it gets!

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