With Richard Davis set to resign, transit union to name new president in February

The Transport Workers Union will appoint a new president in February to succeed former union head Richard Davis, who has been accused of sexual misconduct involving a subordinate, the union said Saturday.

In the meantime, TWU Local 100‘s executive committee, consisting of top officers and department vice presidents, unanimously voted that John V. Chiarello, the organization’s current, elected financial secretary-treasurer, will oversee the local’s day-to-day affairs on an interim basis.

The executive committee will appoint a new TWU president at its next scheduled meeting, to be held next month.

“We are now moving forward and laser-focused on upholding the great legacy of this proud Union, restoring confidence within our membership and re-centering ‘fightback’ as the leadership mantra of Local 100,” TWU said in a statement.

Davis in his resignation letter cited health reasons for his departure. Multiple sources, granted anonymity to discuss union matters, told the Daily News that Davis had signed a severance agreement with Local 100, the city’s largest transit union, ending his employment on Jan. 31.

The News obtained documents showing Davis was suspended by the TWU International on Tuesday following an investigation, which began when a subordinate came to the international union with allegations Davis had pressured her into a sexual relationship.

“Based on the report, I have determined that you have conducted yourself in an appalling manner that is detrimental to the best interests of the Union,” TWU International President John Samuelsen wrote, informing Davis of his suspension.

“You are being charged with pressuring a woman employed by Local 100 into having sexual relations with you,” Samuelsen continued. “Sometime after the sexual relationship ended, you took adverse employment action against this person, allegedly in connection with the cessation of the sexual relationship.”

In connection with the allegations against Davis, the international union filed “internal charges” against him, according to the TWU.

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